All About Dental Anesthesia
The Facts about General Anesthesia
The Stages of Anesthesia
Once unconscious, anesthesia must be maintained throughout the procedure. This is achieved by continuously delivering anesthetic gases or intravenous medications. The dosage is carefully controlled to ensure the patient remains unconscious and pain-free.
The Components of General Anesthesia
Anesthetic Agents
These drugs provide pain relief. Opioids like fentanyl or remi-fentanyl are commonly used. Dentist-Anesthesiologists are fully qualified to safely administer these medications in conjunction with others as part of a balanced anesthetic.
These drugs help relax the muscles, which is particularly important for procedures involving the throat or airway. Examples include rocuronium and vecuronium.
Antianxiety Medications
Supportive Medications
How General Anesthesia Affects the Body
General anesthesia works by interrupting nerve signals in the brain and body. Here’s a closer look at the physiological effects:
Pain Perception
Muscle Relaxation
Preparing for General Anesthesia
Recovery from General Anesthesia
Book a Consultation
General anesthesia is a powerful tool in modern dentistry, allowing patients to receive necessary dental care without the stress and pain associated with traditional procedures. At Dental Care Asleep, we are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our patients, ensuring they receive the highest standard of care. By understanding how general anesthesia works and its benefits, patients can feel more confident and less anxious about their dental treatments. Our specialized approach ensures that every patient, whether anxious, young, or in need of extensive dental work, can experience a pain-free and trauma-free dental visit.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact Dental Care Asleep. We are here to answer any questions and provide the care and reassurance you need for a comfortable dental experience.